Sunday 22 July 2012

interview with Paul McCusker

1.Which Passages book is your favourite?
It's hard for me to answer questions about favorite books or episodes, since I have great affection for each one, for different reasons unique to each story.
2.When you made album 55 which album did you think that you would like the best?
I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand the question. Did you mean which "episode" did I think I would like best? Album 55 has some particularly strong shows, but I thought Dave Arnold's work on "Sgt York" was excellent.
3.How well do you know all the actors?
In some cases, having worked with some of the actors for 25 years, we've become friends and enjoy our time together in the studio. But we don't tend to hang out at each other's houses, if that's what you're asking :)

4.What made you want to make Adventures In Odyssey?
You may remember that Adventures In Odyssey started as a mandate from Dr. James Dobson, the head of Focus on the Family. He wanted the audio team to create a healthy alternative to Saturday morning cartoons. So Steve Harris and Phil Lollar established the foundation of what would become Odyssey. I joined in early on. My personal heart for Odyssey has always been rather straightforward: to tell compelling stories that make Christianity meaningful and helpful for our listeners.
5.What AIO video do you like the best?
The two that I co-wrote, of course :)
6.Do you like the new AIO or the old AIO better?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Because it is a 25 year old show, Odyssey has been through several periods due to cast and character changes. Some people love the period when Hal Smith played Whit (1987-1994). Others love the in-between time with Jack and Jason, before Whit came back (as played by Paul Herlinger). Some love the Barclays, others enjoyed the Washingtons. Some point to the Novacom episodes as their favorites. And so on. For the same reasons I said I could answer about favorite books and episodes, I can't really say which period of Odyssey I like best.
7.Is the actor that plays Wooton as funny as he is in the show?
8.Do you think that Wooton and Penny should get married?
Not in the near future, if ever.

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